Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Gases and Climate Change

I think that the evaporate alcohol gas will flare up inside the bottle, burning a translucent orange, and then quickly die out because of the imited amount of oxygen in the bottle.
IT TURNED INTO A SODA-ROCKET FLAMBE! I was correct in the fact that it was a translucent orange (blue deeper in the bottle) and that it was fairly quick in ignition and flaring. I did not guess that it the force would shoot it vertically and into the desk. I also did not predict that some of the flame would be shot about 6 inches out of the neck of the bottle.

Climate Change
Climate Change 30% of solar radiation is reflected back into space while 70% is absorbs then is thrown into the atmosphere were 30% goes through it and 70% is reflected back to Earth. Preexisting gases, such as Methan, Co2, andNitrogen Oxide were sky rocketed when humans used things such as fossil fuel burning, aresol cans, etc as well as making new gases. These gases help to heat the Earth and trap that heat within it so it can't be discharged. The gases also destroy the Ozone which makes it harder for that 30% heat to be reflected back into space.

Co2 Gas
I think that once CO2 gas is introduced to the naked flame of the candle, the will be a bit of a slower burn but still translucent and blue at the base. I don't think that it will be as explosive of a reaction,though.
Jeesh, that was stupid of me not to get that. When building a well, you want to set a candle down there to see if there is clean oxygen (it will burn) or if there is no oxygen/a high quantity of another gas (it will be extinguished). This is because a fire needs oxygen to burn so when it was introduced to only carbon dioxide, there was no oxygen for it to consume.

Effects of Co2 Gas on the Earth
4.5 billion years ago (beginning of Earth) it was estimated that Co2 made up 80% of the Earth's atmosphere. About 2 billion years ago, Co2 made up 20%-30%. With the evolution of plants and photosynthesizing, they helped reduce Co2 levels and raise oxygen levels. But when trees die and decompose, they release Co2 and since we are cutting down acres of trees everyday, we are releasing more Co2 and allowing less means to absorb carbon dioxide and convert it to oxygen, depleting those levels as well. With fossil fuels, those organisms never completely decomposed and never released all their Co2 but as we burn them, we are releasing that stored up Co2. It is theorized that the warming of the ocean releases Co2 levels that have built up over time.

Hydrogen Gas
Since Ms. Leland said this could be used as an alternate fuel source, I'm inclined to think that this will not snuff out the flame like the previous experiment. THIS TIME, I don't think that the ignition will be as explosive as the alcohol (and, I was right without he last one that it wasn't explosive, I just didn't think that was as right as I wanted to be). I think that this will also be translucent and orange, blue at the base where it will burn hottest. I think it will burn as long as the gas is produced if it reacts like baking soda and vinegar in the idea that it creates the gas as it reacts. But I am hesitant to say any of this because she threw a monkey wrench in there with the Co2, so I have virtually zero confidence in that prediction.
Haha. THAT was a classic, none mad-scientist flambe`. And, more importantly, I was right! Haha! It did burn translucent orange (no blue), it did burn as long as the gas was being produced, but the ignition was a bit explosive, not as much as the first test, but enough to have a quite loud poof of a pop.

Renewable Resources
86% of energy used is fossil fuels. Wind energy is going to be used for the future. Solar energy is being promising.
Solar power count for less than .01% of world's energy but is growing. Created by concentrating heat or useing solar panels. SOlar hot water heating is the only practical way to create solar energy. On average the solar marketing fact grew 14% annually.
Tidal Generation:
Pros- Stable electricity generated because tides are stable.
Cons- More costly than traditional hydro-electricity. Effects marine estuaries.
Wave Power: Located several miles off shore and gathers energy as a buoy bobs up and down the waves
Pros- 100x's more energy per hectare is given back using vegetable oil and have lower fossil fuel input.
Cons- Possibly takes more energy to grow and harvest than is provided. Takes more fossil fuel to make than it does to give back.

Corn ethanol net energy with a breaking point of 0. So any energy below 0 that's produced equates to no energy gained.

Air Pressure:
I think the gas will condense so you can see it go out in billowing wisps. That, or, with the way things are going, it might explode. You never know with Ms. Leland. . . .
What went wrong??? Ms. Leland heated up the can and wisps of steam were escaping out the top when she quickly grabbed in and dunked it in the ice cold water and NOTHING HAPPENED. It looked to be like it was supposed to be an instantaneous because Ms. Leland immediately took the can out, dripping and cold, after a moment of nothing.
Now we're gonna put the can in upside-down, I'm expecting that once we do, a cascade of bubbles will blow up and out of the can.
Wow, I was dead-wrong with the explosion prediction, it IMPLODED! My guess would be that because the air pressure was different. And since a gas takes up more space, when she dunked the heated gas that would try to rise above the sinking cold air/water it instantly turned into liquid that created a void (or vacuum, as I have been informed) that caused the can to implode.

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